West Roxbury Dorchester Lodge


Sometime prior to 1919 there was conceived in the heart and brain of Brother Dr. Lewis S. Breed the idea of forming another Blue Lodge in the Roslindale District. Dr. Breed, whose ancestors have lived under all presidents from the time of Washington, but whose grandchildren will probably be born and live under one president, has probably practiced dentistry longer than anyone in the United States, and was and still is one of the best known Masons in this District. Realizing that Prospect Lodge was growing very large, knowing the Grand Lodge was in favor of smaller Lodges, and seeing this temple, which was the apple of his eye, nearing completion, he sold the idea to a few of his good Masonic friends in Roslindale and West Roxbury. We held several meetings in his office during the winter of 1918 and 1919 and formulated plans for this new Lodge.


In April, 1919, a petition was made to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge for a dispensation, all of the Lodges in the Boston District having unanimously granted their consent. Considerable discussion was held at this meeting over the name of the Lodge. Several were suggested, but finally the name "West Roxbury" was adopted, being named after the entire District, which in the old days consisted of all territory from Roxbury to the Dedham line.


On June 3, 1919, we held our first formal meeting, at which time Right Worshipful Walter S. Bagley, District Deputy Grand Master of the 25th Masonic District, presented us with our dispensation, dated May, 1919, and signed by Most Worshipful Grand Master Leon M. Abbott. There were sixty Charter members, all of whom were present, and March 19, 1920, was the big event in the history of West Roxbury Lodge. We, having served our apprenticeship, met in Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple, Boston, for the purpose of being constituted.

West Roxbury-Dorchester Lodge celebrated its 100th anniversary with many distinguished guests on April 1, 2013. The side lines, full of brothers, viewed an ancient carpet ceremony rededicating the lodge that was performed by Grand Lodge members including Grand Master Richard James Stewart.


Excerpts from Masonic Genealogy.com



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